apple diet

apples for weight loss

The apple diet is a delicious, easy and inexpensive option for body shaping that is available regardless of the season. The main component of the diet contains dietary fiber (pectin), B vitamins, potassium, iron and other useful substances.

However, despite the rich vitamin and mineral composition of the fruit, it is necessary to carefully use the apple diet for weight loss, because this method of getting rid of extra pounds has many contraindications and disadvantages.

Essence and features

The apple weight loss method is based on the principle of a mono diet. During the entire period of the diet (from 1 to 7 days), weight loss should be limited to 1-2 kg of apples per day, avoiding the use of other foods. When using multicomponent methods, the list of main products may also include cottage cheese, eggs, kefir, cucumbers, bananas, etc.

To prevent spoilage and overeating, it is allowed to introduce a small amount of other products into the menu, including sources of fast carbohydrates (bitter chocolate, honey, etc. ). Sparing diet options, designed for 3-7 days, suggest a less monotonous diet. Their diet contains not only apples, fruits and dairy products, but also sources of protein, unsaturated fatty acids and complex carbohydrates.

Apples can be eaten fresh, baked or used in recipes (fruit and vegetable salads, smoothies, casseroles and cereals). Regular consumption of these fruits will allow you to quickly get rid of not only part of the excess weight, but also edema and accumulated food residues in the intestines.

Pros and cons

The advantages of such an energy scheme are:

  1. High efficiency diet. Her diet is low in calories, so this method is considered an express diet. For a week with apples, you can lose from 2-3 to 7 kg. Most of these kilograms are accounted for by excess fluid, which is excreted with the abundant intake of potassium. The mass of the fat layer, with strict adherence to the rules and the menu, is reduced by 1-2 kg in 5-7 days.
  2. The content of dietary fiber in the main product of the diet. Fiber is not absorbed in the small intestine like other nutrients. It enters the lower gastrointestinal tract and intensively absorbs moisture, filling the large intestine and stimulating its contractions (peristalsis). This contributes to the removal of undigested food residues and the normalization of the intestines.
  3. A large amount of vitamins and minerals in apples. These fruits contain vitamins C and K, as well as B groups (B2, B3, B5, B6), potassium, silicon, copper, iron, chromium and other nutrients. Taking into account the recommended consumption of apples during the diet, the amount of minerals varies from 24% of the daily value (for magnesium) to 120-130% (for iron and potassium).
  4. The ability to consume fruit without prior heat treatment. Apples can be eaten fresh or as part of dishes (fruit and vegetable salads, casseroles, baked apples). Unlike grains, meat and other popular mono-diet foods, they don't take much time to cook and can be eaten in short breaks.
  5. Availability. Apples are not seasonal or expensive. The cost of a weekly course of a strict diet does not exceed 500-600 rubles.
  6. Acute addiction to nicotine. Apples not only reduce nicotine cravings, but they are also a healthier, lower-calorie substitute for cigarettes than seeds, nuts or candy. A sparing diet with apples can be followed during the period of quitting smoking: this will reduce stress and avoid rapid weight gain.

Apples have a beneficial effect on the body in atherosclerosis and anemia. Organic acids and trace elements contained in them reduce cholesterol concentration and stimulate hematopoiesis.

Disadvantages of eating apples include:

  1. Menu uniformity. Following a mono-apple diet for more than 3 days is difficult for most people who are losing weight, so with 5-7 day diets, there is a high probability of spoilage and overeating.
  2. High risk of gastrointestinal dysfunction. A large amount of plant foods can cause bloating, indigestion and diarrhea. In inflammatory and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to limit the consumption of fresh fruit, so a strict apple diet will have to be abandoned.
  3. Lack of protein and fat in the diet. The main products of the diet contain mainly carbohydrates. The rate of proteins and fats is fulfilled by no more than 10-20% of that daily. Compliance with such a diet leads to loss of muscle mass and can provoke problems with the skin and endocrine system.
  4. Low energy value of food. The caloric content of the daily diet with a strict diet is from 500 to 700 kcal. Lack of nutrients leads to reduced performance, poor health (weakness, nausea, dizziness) and slow metabolism.
  5. The need for preparation and a smooth exit from the diet. To reduce the risk of spoilage and adverse reactions from the digestive tract, it is necessary to smoothly enter the diet, gradually giving up junk food, bread, and then protein foods, cereals and the main part of vegetables.
  6. Limitation of physical activity. Due to the low calorie content and low protein content, it is recommended to reduce the intensity of training and limit yourself to light warm-ups, walking and stretching. With a long diet, muscle tone decreases, muscle volume and resting calorie expenditure decrease. This leads to slower weight loss and reduced muscle relaxation.


A strict apple diet is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • allergy to apples (in most cases, an immune reaction develops after contact with chemicals used to treat fruits and trees);
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • biliary dyskinesia and gallbladder dysfunction;
  • worsening of chronic diseases;
  • acute infectious processes;
  • recovery and rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • exhaustion.

If you have a history of chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before starting a diet. The saved options for this diet have fewer contraindications, but their use should also be agreed with the doctor.

Mechanism of action

Weight loss with an apple diet is achieved through several mechanisms:

  1. Calorie deficit. Problem areas lose weight due to the negative balance of calories from food and daily energy consumption. With an inactive lifestyle, at least 1500-1700 kcal are spent (depending on weight), with an average level of activity - more than 2000 kcal. Missing calories are made up by body fat and muscle mass.
  2. Decreased bloating. Excluding salt from the diet and abundant consumption of potassium-rich apples provokes the active removal of excess fluids from the body. The plum provided by this mechanism can be up to 2-3 kg. It should be noted that with proper preparation for a diet, the reduction of swelling begins even before a complete apple diet.
  3. The purge. With excessive protein consumption and a lack of fiber, waste accumulates in the colon, creating weight gain and worsening the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. 1 kg of apple meets 90% of the daily requirement for dietary fiber. Additional components of the diet (vegetables, seeds, bran, powdered fiber) can fill the stomach space and create a feeling of satiety.

When you return to the previous irrational diet, which includes an excessive amount of salt, meat products and fatty foods, weight loss regains the lost kilograms. Due to the slowdown of metabolism against the background of a strict diet, weight gain in 1-2 weeks can be greater than the weight achieved.


To ensure the effectiveness of the rapid weight loss method, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Eat only fresh apples of sugar-free varieties. Apples with loose and sweet pulp are not suitable for diet. Shiny fruits that are stored for a long time in stores are not necessarily harmful to the body, however, due to waxing, their skin (the main source of fiber) will have to be removed before consumption.
  2. Drink more water (up to 2 liters per day). Losing weight, who irregularly follow the principles of healthy eating, often cannot distinguish between hunger and thirst. To reduce the risk of a breakdown due to appetite, you should drink 100-200 ml of clean warm water, green tea or water kefir with each hungry desire. If the feeling persists, then you can start eating. Drinking liquids 20-30 minutes before meals stimulates the metabolism.
  3. Reduce portion sizes and junk food beforehand. A week before starting the diet, it is recommended to reduce the usual portion size by 20-30%. After eating, there should be a slight feeling of hunger, which disappears after 15-20 minutes after eating. It is also necessary to exclude alcoholic and carbonated drinks, fast food and fatty foods from the menu.
  4. Start a weight loss course with fasting days. To reduce the stress of a sudden change in diet, you should start with fasting days, which include light meals (drinks with sour milk, vegetable soups and salads) and 0. 5-1 kg of apples. After 1-2 weeks, discharge can be carried out only on the apple. After another 2 weeks, it is allowed to use a 3-day mono-diet. The increase in the duration of the diet up to a week should be no earlier than a month after the end of the previous phase. In case of poor tolerance of a monotonous diet, only sparing variants of the method should be used.
  5. Avoid stress and lack of sleep. Lack of sleep and stress affect the level of cortisol, which slows down the loss of excess weight and provokes endocrine obesity. Reducing sleep by just 2 hours increases cortisol levels by 50%.

If you have dizziness, weakness and nausea, you should stop following the diet.


There are several options for an apple diet, which differ in duration, calorie content and composition (number of products).

According to the composition, the following types of diet are distinguished:

  1. mono-diet (on fresh or ripe apples, fruit puree);
  2. apple with kefir;
  3. with cottage cheese;
  4. with cucumbers;
  5. with cereals (buckwheat, oats or rice);
  6. with bananas;
  7. with citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange);
  8. with vegetables;
  9. with watermelons;
  10. with eggs.

Another effective option is the apple cider vinegar diet. Natural vinegar (1 teaspoon for every 30 kg of weight) is diluted in a glass of water and consumed 3 times a day before meals. It is necessary to carefully use apple cider vinegar for weight loss, not exceeding the recommended dose and combining it with frugal diet options or the right food.


The duration of the diet can be from 1 to 14 days. The menu is selected depending on the desired result and the tolerance of a strict diet. With a long-term diet (more than 7 days), it is recommended to choose a frugal option.

fasting day

On a fasting day, you should eat 1. 5 kg of apples and drink up to 2 liters of pure water, herbal or green tea. The daily portion of fruits is divided into 6-7 parts, which are consumed at regular intervals (2-2, 5 hours).

For three days

Breakfast options for a strict and soft 3-day diet

Day 1
  • 2 apples or puree, crushed with peel.
  • 1 boiled egg, 1 dry whole grain bread, 1-2 sour apples.
Day 2

200 g of oats in water with 1 apple and 20-30 g of steamed grapes.

Day 3

150 g of cottage cheese (1-5% fat), apple, 1 pc

Lunch options for a strict and soft 3-day diet

Day 1
  • Puree of 2 apples with cinnamon (you can add 0. 5 spoons of honey).
  • 100 g of steamed cod, 150–200 g of fresh vegetable salad, 1 apple or orange.
Day 2
  • 2-3 fresh apples
  • 2-3 egg white omelets, 250 ml low-fat milk, apple (before dinner).
Day 3
  • 2 apples baked with spices.
  • 200 g salad with chicken fillet and apple.

Dinner options for a strict and soft 3-day diet

Day 1
  • 2 fresh or mashed apples
  • Apple, 150 g of cottage cheese.
Day 2
  • 2 ripe fruits with cinnamon.
  • 150 g of fruit salad (apple, pear, kiwi, etc. ), 100 g of boiled rice.
Day 3
  • 2 ripe apples or puree from these juicy fruits.
  • Apple, 200 g salad "Broom" with lemon juice.

The last meal is planned 3-4 hours before bedtime. You can suppress night hunger with a small amount of low-fat kefir.

With a frugal diet, you can eat snacks - a second breakfast (lunch) and an afternoon snack. For lunch, it is allowed to eat 1 piece of green tea, and for an afternoon snack - a protein shake with natural apple juice. It is recommended to use this version of the apple diet for weight loss of 3 kg.

For one week

First day

  • breakfast: 300 g of applesauce with 2-3 chopped walnuts;
  • lunch: 500 g of apple and carrot salad;
  • dinner: 2-3 apples.

The second day

  • 3 fruits and 100 g of rice porridge on water;
  • 3 small ripe apples;
  • 100 g of apple porridge.

third day

  • 2 fruits, half a package of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • breakfast + 2-3 nuts with 0. 5 tsp. honey;
  • 50 g of cottage cheese, apple.

The fourth day

  • 200 g of apple and carrot salad;
  • apple slices and seasoned carrots with 1-2 tbsp. melted honey;
  • 3 ripe fruits.

The fifth day

  • 100 g of oats with fruit;
  • 400 g salad with apples, boiled beets and carrots;
  • eggs, 2-3 small apples.

The sixth day

  • 100 g of rice, 2-3 fruits;
  • 3 ripe apples;
  • breakfast menu.

The seventh day

  • 300 g carrot and apple salad;
  • 350 g of salad with 1 tbsp. liquid honey;
  • 2 baked apples.

The apple diet for weight loss in 7 days allows you to lose at least 3-5 kg. A milder version of it allows you to include in the menu all kinds of cereals in water, vegetables and dairy products, herbs and dried fruits.

Apple-kefir diet

Kefir has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora and increases the laxative properties of fiber.

A strict version of the kefir-apple diet includes only 2 main products and green tea. You can eat up to 1. 5 kg of fruit and 0. 5–0. 7 liters of low-fat kefir per day. The daily portion is divided into 6 doses. Drinks with sour milk and fruits are consumed separately: first an apple is eaten, and after 30-40 minutes - 100 ml of kefir.

A better option includes the following menu:

  • breakfast: 200 g of apple sauce with 1-2 tbsp. honey (with strong hunger, you can add 2-3 spoons of oat bran);
  • lunch: 250 ml kefir (0% fat);
  • lunch: 2 apples, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. jam or honey;
  • afternoon snack: fermented milk smoothie from 150-200 ml kefir, apple slices and 2-3 nuts;
  • dinner: 2 baked apples.

Before going to bed, you can drink 100-150 ml of bifid yogurt without sugar.

The duration of the diet is 3-4 days. Lead line is 2-3 kg.

Curd-apple diet

The menu of a short-term diet with apple curd consists of the following dishes:

  • breakfast: cocktail with baked apple, 100-150 g of cottage cheese (0%), 2-3 tbsp. l. kefir and a pinch of cinnamon;
  • lunch: fresh fruit;
  • lunch: cocktail;
  • afternoon snack: fresh apple;
  • dinner: cocktail.

The diet lasts 2-3 days. The lead line is up to 3 kg. This weight loss method is recommended to be used no more than once a month.

The menu for 9 days is more extreme and effective:

  • in the first 3 days, 1 kg of apples and 500 ml of juice or 1. 5 kg of fruit should be consumed;
  • on days 4-6, you should eat 2 packages (400 g) of low-fat cottage cheese or 1 regular cottage cheese and 1 liter of kefir (you can add cucumbers and some greens);
  • in the last 3 days it is necessary to combine 1 package of cottage cheese and 1 kg of fruit.

For 9 days, you can lose from 1-2 to 6-8 kg.

Apple diet: allowed foods

With a mono-diet and strict variants of the method, it is recommended to eat only those foods that are described in the menu. With a frugal diet, vegetable fats, vegetables, fruits without sugar, messy grains and impure sources of protein enter the list of those allowed.

Allowed foods in mono-diet:

  • apples;
  • beetroot;
  • carrots;
  • cucumber;
  • apple juice and juice.

Products recommended for limited consumption or use in a frugal diet:

  • honey;
  • rice porridge;
  • oatmeal;
  • bran;
  • green vegetables;
  • orange;
  • celery;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bifid yogurt;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oil (with a duration of more than a week).

Apple diet: forbidden foods

The diet menu should not undergo significant corrections. This means that even dietary types of meat and fish, most vegetables and grains, bread, etc. should not be consumed within 3-14 days.

Despite the low calorie content, some vegetables also enter the list of prohibited foods: pumpkin, zucchini, radish, garlic, beans and peas.

Prohibited products:

  • bakery products;
  • sweets and chocolates;
  • sugar;
  • white bread and pasta;
  • cereals (buckwheat, millet, semolina);
  • potatoes;
  • sweet fruits (melons, bananas, grapes);
  • condensed milk, thick cream;
  • cheese;
  • pork and lamb;
  • lard, animal fat (lard);
  • ham;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • Fast food;
  • snacks (chips);
  • strong alcoholic drinks (brandy, vodka);
  • carbonated sweet drinks, beer;
  • coffee with cream and sugar.

In case of an accident

Due to the severity of the diet, more than 50% of those who lose weight break down and overeat. To avoid a breakdown, you can afford a cell of dark chocolate or 1 tsp. honey after exercise or a walk.

When the desire to eat junk food becomes unbearable, you need to remove 20-30 g of your favorite food (cake, sausage or fast food) and spread it in your mouth for a long time.

If it was not possible to avoid a breakdown, then you should not punish yourself with a hunger strike, reduce the diet or completely leave the diet. It is enough to extend the dietary period by 2-4 days.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to follow this diet for more than 1 day. The lack of proteins and microelements negatively affects the development of the child and the condition of the mother's bone tissue.

An acute caloric deficit can exacerbate decreased performance, worsen chronic disease, and lead to fainting and injury. The days of discharge in the apple help to normalize the stool and stop the symptoms of toxicosis.

Get off the apple diet

To maintain a new weight, it is necessary to ensure a smooth transition to the right food and strictly control the amount of portions. The duration of the output should correspond to 1-2 periods of the diet.

When switching to a balanced diet, the following rules must be observed:

  • reduce the number of apples by 1 piece every day;
  • during the week (with a 7-day diet) eat mainly plant-based foods;
  • protein products (meat, fish) should be introduced into the diet gradually, no earlier than 3-4 days after the removal of strict restrictions;
  • healthy fats (butter and vegetable oil) to enter 5 g per day.

To continue losing weight, you can replace dinner every day with fruit and vegetable salad, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Grate 1 celery root, a small carrot and a green apple, add a handful of pomegranate seeds.
  2. Drizzle the vegetable mixture with olive oil and honey with a few drops of balsamic vinegar. Add salt and pepper, mix.
  3. Sprinkle the salad with parsley and pistachios.

The formation of an eating habit takes 3-4 weeks, so replacing a high-calorie dinner with a light salad should be at the beginning of preparing for a diet.